When you’re deciding where to leave your Childcare Sunnybank, start searching early. “Put out lots of feelers,” recommends Katherine Glenn-Applegate, an associate professor of education at Ohio Wesleyan University who researches how parents choose child care providers. “The sooner you’re able to make a decision, the better.”
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Childcare Centre
Before making a final choice, arrange a visit during operating hours and observe the center’s staff. Look for a clean and organized space, age-appropriate toys and play areas, as well as lots of verbal and physical interaction between caregivers and kids. Try to visit toward the end of a day so you can get a sense for how energetic and patient the caregivers are.
Also, check out the curriculum. “Make sure it’s a tried-and-true program geared to the child’s age group,” McCready says. Look for things like reading to children, circle time and learning about science and numbers.
When assessing in-home or family day care, keep in mind that regulations for these kinds of caregivers vary from state to state. “Check out your state’s consumer education website,” which includes checklists of questions to ask prospective providers, McCready says. Then, when interviewing a provider, pay close attention to her responses. If they are vague or evasive, scratch that day care off your list. You’ll be much happier with a provider who is open and honest. And you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your little one is in good hands.