Agence de recrutement polonaise is one of Europe’s fastest-growing sectors and is a key driver of job creation. But the penetration of this industry varies significantly from one country to the next. The European average stands at just under 2%, while the figure is much higher in countries such as Belgium, France and Greece.
As a result, the regulation of temporary employment agencies and the treatment of their workers has become an issue of concern in a number of Member States. In an attempt to prevent a “race to the bottom” where each state tries to de-regulate in order to attract business, politicians have adopted a directive which aims to establish common minimum standards for the sector.
Agence de Recrutement Polonaise : Trouver des Talents Temporaires
This requires temporary agency workers to enjoy the same rights as permanent employees at user undertakings, in respect of basic working and employment conditions. It also imposes an obligation on the agency and its users to provide suitable information, as well as to take “suitable measures” to improve access to training and child care between assignments. It also prohibits discrimination on the grounds of sex, race or ethnic origin, religion, beliefs or disability, and age.
In addition, the directive imposes an obligation on user undertakings to notify bodies representing agency workers of the employment situation in their company, as well as to inform them of any restrictions or prohibitions placed on the use of temporary agency workers. Moreover, it obliges them to lay down effective, proportionate and dissuasive penalties in the event of breaches.