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Pat Testing UK – What You Need to Know

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Pat testing uk is not a legal requirement in the UK but the government has set in place regulations that require employers to ensure that any electrical appliances that they use within their workplaces are safe for the people using them, which often involves PAT tests. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in fines of up to PS20,000 and even imprisonment if the offence is heard in court.

It is the responsibility of the ‘duty holder’ (the person in charge of ensuring that equipment is maintained safely) to assess whether a risk level exists and then decide if an appliance needs to be inspected. Those who are responsible for this task are typically trained to do so as part of their induction, and they should be taught what to look out for in terms of damage or danger signs (such as frayed wires).

Comprehensive Guide to PAT Testing in the UK: Regulations and Standards

A PAT test will examine a variety of aspects of the appliance including earth continuity, lead polarity, and insulation resistance. These tests are performed by a PAT tester and can be completed relatively quickly. The results of a PAT test will be recorded in a test register, which will include important information such as the date on which the test was carried out and who performed it.

Anyone who wants to conduct PAT tests for a living can take a course that will teach them how to do it and provide them with all the equipment they need to get started. This course can be done online and will cover the basics of what to check for, how to do a formal visual inspection, and how to carry out manual testing using a PAT tester.

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