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Dear Single Soul,

Currently, as a single soul, you’re a blank love canvas, ready to be brushed. How exciting!

Maybe it’s because you’ve been focusing on work – oh ambitious one. Or that your time is too precious to explore the hundreds of dating apps and sites available. Which one is best now? Or that you’ve recently invested in the wrong “right one.” Maybe you’re just single!

Whatever the case, the Universe has lead you to Underground Unattached. Welcome!

The time between now and say marriage, if that’s your goal, is about self-exploration. Who are you? Where will you go? What human-being will you connect with? How will you be together? It’s a mystery and such an exciting journey of self-discovery. Enjoy these moments.

Underground Unattached, created by Christina Weber and Shaun Derik, is a unique dating experience which curates an equal number of men and women for dinner, drink and original activities designed to foster connection. Our intention is to have fun with dating and to share in the process of it with you! This is how we help you invest energy into this portion of your life.

Do we hope you find your soulmate? YES!
Would it light us up if you found him or her at Underground Unattached? ABSOLUTELY!
Can we guarantee that you will? NO WAY!

Underground Unattached is not a competition or a reality show in the making. No cameras are allowed or computers needed. Your privacy is extremely important to us. We’re  a safe environment where you’ll meet likeminded friends and learn something about yourself. If you’re openminded and without expectation, we invite you to explore further with us.

Although we’re a tad mysterious, poke around the site, link to experiences, and complete our questionnaire. After, send us an email to introduce yourself. We’ll be happy to hear from you 🙂

Love + Light,

Christina Weber and Shaun Derik
Underground Unattached

Spiritually, it has been said that most will not meet or recognize their soulmate in this lifetime. Rumor has it that in order to be one of the “lucky ones,” you must grow greatly as an individual. So much so that the Universe sees it and gifts you with your mate to enable your spirit to evolve further. The desire to become a better person is key. Those with that intention are the type of people we wish to share at Underground Unattached.